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Kindergarten Transition

Kindergarten Transition

At St Patrick’s, we aim to ensure the transition into Kindergarten is a smooth and positive experience for all students.

Catholic Schools Week is a wonderful opportunity for new families to visit our school and marks the opening of our Kindergarten enrolments for the following year. Please check our school website for dates and times of open classrooms and feel free to have a tour around our school during this week of celebrations. Enrolment forms can be collected from the office upon your visit.

During Term 2, Kindergarten interviews begin and continue throughout the year. Our new families meet with the Principal and have a tour around our beautiful school. The new students visit the Kindergarten classrooms and take part in some play-based activities with classroom and specialist teachers.

Our Orientation Day is held in Term 3 and is a time when all new Kindergarten families and students attend a fun-filled morning. The current Kindergarten classes run through all the important things you will need to know for your upcoming year! School executive and specialist teachers provide valuable information for parents and carers, while the new students spend some time with their buddies and new friends in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Our transition program involves up to four opportunities for students to visit the school and participate in classes and playground activities. These include weekly visits (from 9am-11am) to the Kindergarten classrooms and participating in classroom and playground activities with the current Kindergarten teachers and buddies for the following year. During these visits, parents have the opportunity to attend information sessions to learn vital information about school readiness. On the final transition morning, a Kindergarten liturgy is held in the Church to welcome new families to our school community.

New Kindergartens are well and truly part of the school community prior to their official first day of school. Kindergartens receive letters from their new classroom teacher and Year 6 buddies prior to starting school to ensure they feel safe, secure and loved upon their arrival on their first day.
